Saturday, April 16, 2011

Red Salmon Logos - Artwork

By far the most colorful of the Pacific salmon species is the red (sockeye) salmon. During their ocean phase, adult red salmon exhibit bright silver coloration, with a dark tail. Unlike Chinook or cohos, ocean run red salmon lack black spots.

When these fish begin their spawning migration, they undergo remarkable changes. Their body coloration changes to velvety red, contrasted by their greenish heads and tails.

From late summer thru fall, red salmon return to rivers and streams of the Pacific Northwest. Adults returning from sea usually weigh from 4 to10 pounds. Because of their remarkable beauty, red salmon are often photographed or illustrated by outdoor artists.

Red salmon and other freshwater, saltwater and anadromous fish logos are available at fish_fishing_seafood.

Most artwork is available in either pre-titled or untitled versions. Untitled artwork from this online store is fully customizable, allowing businesses, clubs, or other organizations add captions of text to a design. In addition to entering text, buyers can resize, move or add to artwork during the customization process.

These are a few samples of red (sockeye) salmon artwork:

Monday, April 4, 2011

2011 New Bedford Working Waterfront Festival Logo Contest

The Working Waterfront Festival in New Bedford Massachusetts has announced its annual design contest. Artists 16 years and older are invited to submit a creative design for the 2011 Festival. Designs will be used for the Festival t-shirt, poster and program guide.

Designs should convey festival’s emphasis on the commercial fishing industry, the working port and the 2011 theme. The winning entry will receive a $100 cash prize. Entries must be emailed by or postmarked no later than Monday, May 9th.The winning entry and designer will be announced at the June 9th AHA Night in Downtown New Bedford!

The theme of the 2011 event slated for September 24th and 25th, is Then and Now: Tradition and Innovation. Festival programming will explore cultural traditions in commercial fishing communities, pay tribute to industry innovators and consider how the industry has changed over time in terms of everything from technology to regulations.

Interested artists/designers are encouraged to visit the festival web site to learn more about the event and to download an application: