Sunday, February 20, 2011

2011 Colorado Junior Duck Stamp Program

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced that Colorado students (K-12) are welcome to participate in the 2011 Junior Duck Stamp Program (JDS).

This free art and science program is designed to teach wetlands habitat and waterfowl conservation to America’s youth. JDS participants employ scientific and wildlife observation principles to learn about the subject matter, and then communicate that knowledge visually by creating an entry to the JDS art contest.

This non-traditional pairing of subjects brings new interest to both the sciences and arts to students throughout the state, while fostering a greater awareness of and conservation ethic toward our nation’s natural resources.

The JDS contest begins each fall and proceeds through spring as students submit their artwork to their state coordinator.  Students at the state level are then judged in four groups, according to grade level. Three first, second, and third place entries are selected for each group.

A “best of show” is then selected by the judges from the first-place winners. Each state’s best of show is submitted to the Duck Stamp Office in Washington D.C., and entered into the national contest.

The first-place design from the national contest is used to create the official Junior Duck Stamp for the following year. These stamps are sold by the U.S. Postal Service for $5 each. Proceeds from sales support environmental education, and provide awards and scholarships for the students, teachers, and schools that participate in the program.

All entries must be postmarked by March 15, 2011. The award ceremony to honor the state winners and participating schools will be held at the Arvada Center on May 14, 2011.

For more details on how Colorado students, teachers, and schools in your area can participate in this fun educational program, contact Colorado State Coordinator Seth Beres at (303) 289-0867 or visit:

source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Friday, February 4, 2011

By the Sweat of Our Brow - Cape Verde Oral History at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

The Ocean Explorium and the Arnold M. Dubin Labor Education Center of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth welcome Sylvia Ann Soares for a special event on Tuesday, February 8.  Doors open at 6 pm for light refreshments and mingling in the Ocean Explorium before the presentation begins at 7 pm.

Ms. Soares will share highlights from By the Sweat of Our Brow created from an oral history project, with photo slides selected from the project presentation.  Many of the men interviewed for By the Sweat of Our Brow are first-generation Cape Verdean-Americans, and their stories offer a rich collage of life experiences.

The Ocean Explorium is located at 174 Union Street in New Bedford and is handicap accessible through the rear entrance. Call 508.994.5400 for after-hours access.

source: Working Waterfront Festival